Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Charlie's 1st day of Second Grade

Bear with me as I will be a few days delayed with the "fancy" pics documenting the first day of school.  You know, the chalkboard ones with what the child want to be when they grow up...yep, those ones.  We did the whole show this morning (ha ha!) but have a major glitch at the moment.  We recently got new laptops and discovered that my new laptop doesn't have the same slots for transferring my photos over using an SD card (gasp!).  So a USB cord is on it's way...thank goodness for Amazon Prime.

Anyways - Charlie had his first day of second grade today.  He's back at Horizon again; this year with Mrs. Kingrey.  There are only nine students in his class and all of them are returning from last year...so he was super excited to be back with his former clan. He even gets to sit at his table group with his best buds Elliot and Cameron. 

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