Sunday, May 27, 2018

Backyard Makeover, cont.

Here we are in Spring 2018...two years from when we started.

We were lucky enough to have a friend give us this awesome play structure since their boys outgrew it. 

And...our outdoor kitchen is finally coming together!!  We have the sink in and the counter tops are under way to be finished in the next few weeks.  Then we'll need to finish the cabinets and some other finishing touches.  

This will be the last update on the progress for the outdoor makeover for a bit, until more of the finishing touches fall into place.  Thanks for taking the walk down memory lane.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Backyard Makeover, cont.

Next was more concrete for the south side of the house.  This was early summer 2017.

Notice the basketball pad was put in...finally got the hoop up this year.

Some plants went in...and notice the outdoor BBQ pavilion is up as well (late Summer 2017).

Friday, May 25, 2018

Backyard Makeover, cont.

Railings started going up in the Fall 2016.

They were still a work in progress through Spring 2017 since they were custom made for us from a local machine shop (note the missing pieces on the deck)

The next big item after the new deck was put in (note that we only did the back portion and we still need to do the front  and side porch) we added a covered area to allow for some shade. Structure went up Spring 2017.

The boys loved seeing a crane in the yard lifting the pieces into place.  

Changes the entire look!  Just needs the roof at this point.

Stay tuned...

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Backyard makeover

Well, this post is well overdue. I know I have promised it before.  But the project has been a multi year project so bear with me.  It's still not finished yet.

I'll start at the beginning...let's go back a few years when we bought the house.  Here is what the pool area looked like:

Yuck - am I right!?!  The first thing to go was the fence and bricks around the pool...
Demolition started Spring 2016

Some of the repairs were out of necessity, from materials that were deteriorating.  Thus, bye bye deck.  It gave us the opportunity to expand it a bit.  You'll notice the new concrete around the pool also.  

Stay tuned for more updates tomorrow....

Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Last week I got to go on the school field trip to the zoo.  It was so much fun to see Lukas in his element with his best buddies. 

It's also a lot of work chasing around four little monkeys with oodles of energy!
(From L to R: Oliver, Lukas, Jack, Bode)

Monday, May 21, 2018

Blast from the past

Does anyone remember what this is - ha ha!

Lukas got his hands on one in California recently and has been on a picture taking storm ever since.  
(Note: the cameras are absolutely awful on it, so we game him an old iPhone we had lying around.  Maybe he can do a guest blog post sometime soon!)

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Honey Badger

Charlie picked up a new nickname on his lacrosse team.  Honey Badger.  If you don't know what that is, well, we didn't either.  Google it.  It's an ugly beast.  However, it's known for its "strength, ferocity and toughness. It can wear out much larger animals in physical confrontations."

Today was the last of the official season games, against one of the tougher teams Lake Oswego.  They came out ahead when we visited their turf a few weeks ago, but I'd say we dominated today on the home field.

Charlie made two goals! One captured below on its way into the net.

The kids are taking some tough hits...but are brushing them off like champs.  Can't believe I captured this one of Charlie taking a blow (don't look mom!).

What a great season!

Friday, May 11, 2018


Our go-to parenting strategy with two active boys is to keep them so active that they are tuckered out at the end of each day.  Our latest investment in this strategy...

Bonus is wearing out daddy too...

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Spring Piano Recital

What a busy weekend...Lacrosse and a recital all in one day.  Charlie continues to practice and try hard at piano.   Also, a few weeks ago Charlie recently performed in the Junior Festival where an adjudicator judges the students and gives them a score.  Charlie received a Superior ranking - the highest mark possible for his level.  Way to go!

He's so little on the giant stage!

These kids were amazing (pianists and violinists)!!

His wonderful teacher, Kendra. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

More Lacrosse

Over the past weekend we met our toughest matches yet...the team in Lake Oswego is no joke! 

Charlie is often one of the smallest on the field, but he doesn't let that stop him.  He bulldozes his way to the ball and we were really proud of his ambition to play hard. (He's White #1)


Tuesday, May 8, 2018


Or should we say....Jen-ga!


 Easy does it.

Lukas was getting pumped up in between turns!

Monday, May 7, 2018

Toothless Grin

More little teeth have been getting loose.  This front one has been trying to come out for about a week. 

It was hanging on and crooked for a bit!

Ta da!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Here are some shots from Charlie's game over the weekend.  It's such a fun game to watch! (Charlie is in the white jersey #1)

Face Off
