Sunday, May 14, 2017

2017 Art Show

Every year the school the boys attend put on an art show with all of the art the children create throughout the year.  It was such a sweet event.  The boys were so proud of their art work.  Here are our favorites!

Charlie's Self Portrait-

Original Art by Lukas - the top is a flower and the bottom is a butterfly.

Sunflower  (isn't this just adorable!?!)
I'll digress just a bit and share a story about the sunflower.  We brought it home from school and I immediately put it up in Lukas' room because it makes me smile so much.  Lukas came into the room and starts crying saying that he HATES that picture - and just starts whining about it being up.  I asked him why he would hate such a cute picture.  He said he didn't like it because his eyes were closed. (mind you, he is being very dramatic while telling me all of this...) He was going on and on about how much the picture was stupid and he wanted me to take it down. I felt so sad that he would notice such a small detail about himself that he didn't like.  I then asked him if he knew someone else that was special to us that smiles SO BIG that his eyes seem to close....he couldn't think of anyone so we showed him pictures of Far Far.  :-)  That made him feel better that he shared a special trait with grandpa.  (gotta love the family genes!!)

One of our favorites of the evening (that I will keep forever) is a drawing that Charlie did showing a map of his heart...take a look what's inside!  I melted...

In case you can't read all of the labels, starting from the upper left hand side and going clockwise, they are -
bike, sunshine, fruit, mom (did you notice how large this section is!!), family, myself, and long board.

I am already looking forward to next year's show!

1 comment:

Dede said...

Your blogs are something I look forward to. This one was so special because it reveals another part of them, their hearts. I noticed their T shirts, too. Great talent, great school. ��