Thursday, December 17, 2015

Another snow day

Snow day # 2  this year with schools being closed.  I love that I have the ability to work from home when these sorts of days happen.  Our lunch break consisted of a little bit of "recess" outside.

Our sledding game keeps getting improved...This time we had the perfect sled, but the snow was so fluffy and sticky it wasn't very fast.  

Charlie loved being in the snow and wanted to be out as long as he could.  I shoveled the side walks but Charlie insisted on cleaning off the car.

Frosty the Snow Man

Where was Lukas during most of this time you might ask?  He was outside at first but then said he was cold (his gloves kept falling off).  Here's how I found him on the garage floor...

 ...eating an apple...right down to the core!

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