Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Indoor Futsal

Winter Futsal has begun!  This year, Lukas also got to play on a team.  Paul is a trooper for coaching both teams!

Despite the team being down a player, the kids had tons of hustle!

Charlie's team had many of his prior futsal teammates, and a few new ones!

Monday, November 29, 2021

Thanksgiving in California

We were so grateful for our health and ability to drive down to California to spend the holiday with my parents.  As an added bonus, Paul's parents were also in California and were able to join us too.  That doesn't happen very often!

The biggest (and cutest) Turkey I ever did see!

The ladies in the kitchen!

We also got to celebrate Papa Moo's birthday with cousins.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Lacrosse Champs

The weekend before Thanksgiving, Charlie's Lacrosse team ended up on top at the Valhalla tournament in Portland.  After losing both games on day 1, they showed up to win on day 2 - and won all 3 games to earn the championship.  Great job Mad LAX!


Here is a short video -
(Charlie is #7 in black jersey with ball)

Friday, November 12, 2021

Class Accountant

 Lukas got to collect and count the classroom pizza money for Pizza Friday.  What a cute Accountant!

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Halloween Piano Recital

This year we are getting back into a more normal routine with in-person recitals.  The Halloween recital is one of my favorites.

Lukas played two songs:

Charlie performed one song - do you recognize the movie it's from?

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Little Red Hen - School Performance

 The first and second grade class put on a performance of the Little Red Hen at school.  What a cute show!  

Lukas was one of the Little Red Hens (spot him in his blue mask)

If you want to see a longer version of the full performance, here is the link the school sent out: https://youtu.be/g9wSLpMQGsI

Monday, November 8, 2021

Secret Scrimmage

At the end of the club season there was a secret scrimmage where the coach arranged to have the kids play the adults.  It was a hoot!

Paul showing off his soccer skills.

Going head to head with the team captain.

By the end of the game all of the kids were on the field at the same time!

Charlie giving the adults some of his moves.

Sunday, November 7, 2021


Both boys had a  great season this year! A busy few months but it's so worth it to see them improve as the season goes on.  Here are a few highlights:


Charlie (club team)