Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Hanging with Grandparents

The boys are learning all kids of skills at Mimi and FarFar's house.

Mimi taught Lukas how to sew and let Lukas pick out his own fabric to make a project.

The finished project!

Meanwhile, Charlie is into making snow forts outside.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Helper boys

I love that my boys are willing to do acts of service (well...for a few bucks that is).

But Lukas truly has a heart of gold.  He went back outside after the sidewalk was finished (which is the area I paid them a few bucks to do), and he decided to do the driveway - just because.  He even put up cones, well because, safety first!!


Sunday, January 19, 2020

Snow Days

Winter made an appearance last week, with snow falling most days.  The boys had a few snow days from school, which they loved!

One day I stayed home from work and the boys were playing outside.  From the window I was working from, I saw the boys geared up and helping each other snowboard down our driveway.

Charlie helping Lukas get clipped in.

And, a few short clips of their fun...

This was Lukas' second time on the board. 
When he really wants to do something, he goes after it.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Rolling into the New Year

Out with the old, and in with the New (New Year that is).  We rolled into 2020 (well, at least East Coast time) in style.

Party Animal!!

Charlie loved skating and him sitting down was a rare moment.

Lukas wasn't so sure at first, but really started to get more brave as the evening went on...
until he got his finger stepped on (OUCH!)  That pretty much ended his skating for the evening.

We are looking forward to the year ahead!