Sunday, June 23, 2019

Tree Fort

The boys have spent a lot of time in their tree fort.  They have made lots of improvements since moving in, such as sawing off branches for easier access and dad made a little ladder on a fence post that had tipped over against the tree.  They even added a mail box and bucket pulley system (see the blue bucket in the tree).

In case you are wondering why Lukas has a Karate Kid wrap on his head, we had our first experience with staples in his head from a deep cut he got last weekend.  The staples are since out and the wound is healing well. 

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Start of summer

A "stay cation" week away from work has been a lovely time.  Today, the boys and I went on a bike ride on the country roads.

We checked on the blueberries at our new property.  

Almost ready for picking!

Since Packers farm stand was on our route, of course we stopped in for a cone on the way home!

Monday, June 17, 2019

Kindergarten Graduation

We can't believe our last year at Bright Beginnings has finally come. We are so proud of how much Lukas has grown this year!

The songs were the cutest!  

Lukas earned this lowbed for participating in the spelling tests voluntarily.  He saw a friend doing them and asked Scott if he could join in.  At first he was scared to do the tests, but we let him know if he did his best, we would get him a toy from G. Willikers.  He did awesome. and really pushed himself.  By the end of the year he has been reading simple books - he is doing great at sounding out words.

Sunday, June 2, 2019


Charlie's soccer team became the Champions of the Gorge league for his age group (2011/2012).  Both games ended in ties and therefore the winner was decided by a shoot out (most scores out of three kicks) with our team coming out ahead each time.  Both games had us on the edge of our seats.

Proud boys!

Charlie was so excited to win a trophy!

Coach Matt

Cooling off with a friend after the game.