Tuesday, September 26, 2017

More weekend gems

We had a full weekend so I am still catching up on sharing all of the memories.

Saturday we went on a walk/bike down our street.  There is a creek next to the road, so of course we stopped to throw rocks.

Charlie decided he wanted to pick up stunt riding.

Here's a live shot of his stunt.

Note the differences between these two in the video...Lukas is telling us to get off the road and to the side in case there was a car (there was not a car in sight); Charlie clearly likes to live on the edge.

Then, we went home for some sidewalk art.

What a great weekend with these two!!

Monday, September 25, 2017

Pedal Bike

Lukas has been able to ride a pedal bike (sort of) for a little bit.  Ability and wanting to ride on his own are two different things.  He usually brings out all the drama and reasons why he can't ride his pedal bike - his shoes hurt, his feelings are hurt, he's hungry, he's tired, he doesn't want to...you name it, he's tried it.  We knew his balance and pedaling was there, but he just had to WANT to ride.  Today we did a bike session at a local park and it finally clicked!

I will admit, the first half hour was painful.  I was getting a lot of whining and excuses. Nothing I did was right.  He was crying because I was holding on, then I got the crying for not holding on; he wanted to be pushed, so I pushed...then all of the sudden pushing was the wrong thing.

So...I resorted to good ole fashioned bribing.  I offered ice cream as a reward for successfully riding a few laps around the park on his own.  At first I was dumbfounded that despite this treat at the end, he was still being such a pill about riding.

Then, a neighborhood kid came to the park and Charlie and he started riding their bikes.  All of a sudden Lukas wanted to ride too.  And voila...

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Pumpkin Patch

We hit up the local pumpkin patch early this year...didn't even mean to but we visited our favorite stand for some ice cream and our friends showed up so we stayed to play.  It helped that there was a discount this weekend on the admission.  And we bypassed the crowds (score!)

The corn maze was no joke!  They really stepped it up this year.

Corn maze Ninjas

 Making Silly Pumpkin Faces

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine...

Ninja Training

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Skate Park Saturday

The smoke cleared up a bit Saturday so we ventured down to the skate park for a picnic lunch.

Charlie did lap after lap trying to get "big air."

Lukas scooting along on his Strider.

We decided to stop for ice cream because, why not!?  Lukas got more on his clothes and body than in his mouth! Mike's Ice Cream is always a hit!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

First Day of Preschool (the second year)

Today was Lukas' turn to have a first day of school experience.  He is so happy to be returning for another year at Bright Beginnings.

Here is a little bit about Lukas right now (click to enlarge).

He decided at the last minute he would rather be a white ninja so we added that to the list :-)

He is excited to play with friends from last year, as well as meet new friends.  He is now an expert at the class routine.  Every morning the children get to pick a face (think emoji) to describe how they are feeling and they display it on the board next to their name.  Today Lukas picked silly!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

First Day of First Grade

Today Charlie became a first grader!  Time is going by too fast!

 Here is a little bit about Charlie right now (click to enlarge):  

Here he is at his desk.  First time for his own desk since last year at school the class had more of a station set up with group tables.

Then at lunch time I got a text from the Principal...but luckily it was a thumbs up!!!  
Such a good feeling to know his day was going well.

Saturday, September 2, 2017


We've had quite a few updates about Charlie lately, so I thought I would share a little bit about Lukas.

First of all, he is just the most lovable little guy.  He always offers us his sweet kisses and hugs.  He loves his mommy and daddy and still wants to be held a lot (which is getting harder every day as he grows). He has such a HUGE imagination and silly personality!  I can't wait to see where it takes him.