Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Still enjoying the snow

There is still an abundance of snow on the ground, and word is, more is coming later this week.  

Maybe that's a good thing so Lukas can go back to eating cleaner snow...

Monday, January 30, 2017

Slave Driver

I was reminiscing about my childhood so I implemented Saturday morning chores this week.  LOL!!  The boys actually were great about it and worked together to get them done.  Lukas' favorite part was spraying the bottle.  Perhaps next weekend I can have them tackle the fingerprints on the walls...

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Saturday Snuggles

What's the best way to wake up?  With snuggles of course!  Lukas decided to head to Charlie's room for a snuggle session before starting the day.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Snow Overload

Alright - whoever's doing the snow dance can STOP it now!  We have plenty of snow to last awhile...The boys continue to enjoy the snow days however.  I mean who wouldn't rather play all day in the fluffy white stuff!

Today they dug snow caves as the snow continued to fall.

Monday, January 2, 2017

New Year - Same old Snow

More snow fell to kick off 2017... We got almost a foot of new snow overnight!

We took to the local hills for some snow play (just down the road from us).  Here is a view from the top of the hill we were on.  Our house would be off the right side of the picture about a city block length and across the street.

Charlie tried snowboarding for the first time today.  He just strapped on a board and took off down the hill.  We were very impressed at his first attempt.  Here are a few videos of him figuring out which stance he likes best.  These are from his first run down.

Charlie didn't want to leave and begged to keep trying to snowboard to get better and fall less.  He made about 3 or 4 runs down the hill.  Lukas also had a blast sledding.  Here's a picture of the family (minus Charlie since he was on his way back up the hill to take his next run).  What a fun start to 2017!