Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Play Ball!

Charlie loves anything sports oriented and has been so excited to start T-Ball.  The spring weather is out in all her glory which made for a wonderful first practice.

The kids loved getting up to the plate and hitting the ball.  Here's our little slugger.

Lukas didn't want to be left out so he was running bases too.

It's gonna be a great season!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Sunday, March 27, 2016

The REAL reason we celebrate Easter

Despite the fun times we have finding Easter Eggs or whatever family traditions you may have, at the forefront, the real meaning of Easter is due to the fact that our Savior, Jesus Christ, died on the cross for our sins and then rose from the grave defeating death.  Hallelujah!! 

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Easter Egg Hunt

We went to two Easter Egg hunts today (one child care put on and another at our neighbors) - what a haul the boys brought back!  Here are some pics from #1.

This was after about 5 minutes...

Lukas was a bit more selective about the eggs he picked up for his basket.

They keep falling out as he walked around because he had so many - and so many more were left!

Helping brother out

Golden Eggs!

Thursday, March 24, 2016


One of the favorite pastimes when in Modesto is spending time at the dairy with Papa Moo.  Cows and getting dirty...what more could a boy want?

 Buried deep in cotton seed!  I remember spending lots of time sliding down the pile as a kid.

Thanks for the memories Papa Moo!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Flying High

What to do on a windy day?  Fly a kite of course!

Lukas was much more interested in driving his car off road.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


We seem to always manage to squeeze in a trip to a museum or other fun place, and this trip we visited the new and improved Great Valley Museum.  Here is a flash back to when we visited the old museum when Charlie was 3 months old (with cousin Hunter)...

The new and improved museum didn't disappoint.

With Papa Moo, Grammy and Auntie Dena--

Inspecting the reptiles --


Exploring the globe --
Exploring a really cool globe -- this globe could get real time earthquake activities and weather patterns; plus we got to see the Japan Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, and more...worth the trip!!

Monday, March 21, 2016

100 years

Last year we celebrated my Grandpa Louie turning 100 and this year we celebrated the family dairy turning 100.  This was the next recognition event we had recently. 

A few weeks ago the Fresno State Ag Department put on a big dinner to recognize my father and his cousins for their contribution in the Ag industry.  Since this coincided with the 100th year anniversary of the dairy, it was even more special.

My dad is the furthest to the right in red (he's now better known as Papa Moo - fitting name right!?!)

Papa Moo with the grandsons.

 With a special lady, Gaga -- she had that name WAY before the singer Lady Gaga by the way ;-)

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Go Ducks

While in Eugene for the logging conference, Charlie got to go to an Oregon Ducks game.

He even caught a free t-shirt!  He wears it almost every night to bed :-)

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Logging Conference

First off, I owe you all an apology (the few followers we have) for letting a month go by since our last post.  Life has been super busy and sometimes hard to slow down.  So, we have quite a bit of catching up to do...

We have had some exciting awards in our family lately.  First -- Paul's company WyEast Timber Services won the Operator of the Year award for all of the Eastern Oregon region.  We got to celebrate at the Logging Conference last month in Eugene. 

The boys couldn't get enough of the big equipment and freebies getting handed out.

 And we are so proud of Paul and his business partner Matt.  Nice work you guys!!