Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Island Life

Where the livin' is easy...

Not a bad way to travel to get a latte.

Swinging our cares away.

Meandering down the paths.

And napping, of course.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Beach goin' and tractor gazin'

What boy wouldn't love mud and water...the beach is one of Charlie's favorite places to be on the island.


Then off to Tractor of the biggest event for the islanders.

What goes on on the island, stays on the island...

Another one of Charlie's favorites...watching tractors.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial weekend at Marrowstone

Grammy and Papa Moo joined us at the cabin for a long, relaxing weekend.  Highlights coming over the next few days!

No pebbles for this kiddo - he had to find the largest ones to throw.

Charlie always enjoys the Marine Science Center where they allow you to touch the critters of the sea.

Well, except the ones in the tanks, but who'd want to touch this creature anyways!?!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

9 months

The cuteness keeps coming!

9 month Stats:
  • 16.3 lbs (a whole whopping 4th percentile for his age- 14th percentile for height)
  • LOVES to eat finger foods - he scoops it into his mouth as soon as it hits the tray
  • Not quite crawling but every day seems to be getting more mobile and comfortable transitioning from sitting to knees.  Usually pushes self backwards and pivots to where he wants to go.