Monday, December 16, 2013

Up, up, and away

Charlie took a flight to California to visit the Grandparents for a week before mom, dad and baby brother make their way down next weekend.  Adventurous boy didn't miss us one bit as he took off...

Shipping Charlie off with our dear friends Nils, Reese & Joanne.
"Captain Dave" was along for the journey too.  Good thing he was there to make sure Charlie didn't fly away from the strong wind.

Living the life of Riley

Sock is full.  To say it was windy that afternoon was an understatement.

What a quiet house we have at the moment .......

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Ski Session

Headed up for a half day at Timberline for Charlie to get a bit of skiing in.  He'll be shredding before we know it.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Monday, December 9, 2013

Advent Traditions

This was the Advent calendar I grew up with and now I get to share it with my boys.  More memories to be made!


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Guess who's 4 months now??

This little peanut!!

4 month stats:
12.2 lbs (only the 2nd percentile for his age; very similar to Charlie)
Generous with his smiles - very social already
Loves to babble
Loves to drool
Continues to sleep through the night (love love love!!)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Marrowstone Island Thanksgiving

Second annual Thanksgiving at our cabin at Marrowstone Island. We had some sweet family time.

  The biggest turkey at the Thanksgiving table was you know who (evidenced by the crazy smile)

We got to enjoy gorgeous sunsets we don't often see in Hood River.

Lots of downtime enjoying each other by...

baking cookies,
playing leggos, and

rolling around.

This year, we were even able to sing Christmas carols and see the Christmas Tree lighting at the Norland Store.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Friday, November 15, 2013

Sunday Bowl

The cold weather last weekend prompted us to try a new activity - bowling!!  Charlie couldn't quite roll the ball completely by himself, but had a blast nevertheless.

Money shot - tee hee!

Daddy was the only player to break 100 - and use the bumpers ;-)

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Our cousins in Washington gifted us an awesome play set.  A few weeks ago we cleared the spot and last weekend the structure went up.  Unfortunately the weather hasn't been the greatest to use it much yet, but fun times are certainly ahead.


Charlie LOVED watching the Excavator work.

Taking a turn. 
What a natural!

After daddy and Far Far's hard work.  All that's left to do is lay the landscaping bark.

Bonus area!!  This boy loves his trucks and dirt.  

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


So lucky to have a visit from Far Far and Mimi over the weekend.  Far Far helped with a big outdoor project (more on that tomorrow) and Daddy and Mommy got in a date night - Woo Hoo!

Monday, November 4, 2013


Daddy and Charlie built their first fort in the living room.  Camp out!!

Dragon mascot watching out to make sure no girls enter the fort


Special treat - a video before bed

Saturday, November 2, 2013

3 months

This post is a few days late...but better late than never!!


Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Fun times dressing up...

Our petite pumpkin

Our darling Dragon

Heading to the Annual Downtown Halloween Trick Or Treat event

Hamming it up with friends
Proud of his loot

Monday, October 21, 2013


With all of the great weather over the weekend, we took advantage of being outdoors...

Friday, October 18, 2013

More memories in Cali...part 2

Reading with cousin Ashley (she can read and she's only in Kindergarten - what a smartie pants!!)
Cousin Hunter and Lukas bonding

No trip to California is complete without a visit to the cows.