Sunday, September 9, 2012

Lions and Tigers and Bears...

...Oh My!
We had a fabulous adventure at the Portland Zoo over the weekend.  We saw...

a creepy crocodile, 

prickly porcupines, 

a giant giraffe,

a cheetah taking a cat nap, and

a gorilla gazing!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

If I can't see you, can you see me?

Lately when we reprimand Charlie for - insert naughty behavior - (such as throwing his food or his cup off of the high chair, getting into something when we tell him no, etc.) he immediately puts his hands over his face like we can't see him or what he's doing.  This little character is really hard to discipline when he is just so stinkin' cute!!  Too bad it has to be done...


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Bike

Charlie is getting acquainted with his new bike - so far he loves it and will be zooming around the yard in no time!! 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day Weekend

Only had a little bit of labor, and a LOT of fun!

We enjoyed our time at the Jones family cabin on Marrowstone Island, WA.

Our morning commute to coffee - by sea!

A six mile kayak trip sure tuckered Charlie out and he decided to take a cat nap on the boat.

Touch and feel museum in Port Townsend

Charlie imitating the fish

Having fun is hard work!